Pronounced Vah-sis-tah-sah-nah.

Also known as Side Plank Pose, this arm balance builds core, arm and wrist strength. Beginning in Downward Facing Dog, shift onto the outer edge of your left food, stacking your right foot on top. Swing your right hand onto your right hip, turning your torso to the right. Support your body weight on the outside of your left foot and your left hand, keeping your left hand strong and slightly in front of the shoulder.

Vasisthasana - Side Plank Pose


Pronounced Vin-yah-sah

The literal translation of Vinyasa is "to place in a special way", but it has much deeper meaning in practice. It is also known as ‘fluid movement between poses’. Vinyasa can refer to a flowing style of yoga that links breath to movement. Vinyasa can also refer to the flowing sequence: high plank, low plank, upward facing dog, downward facing dog. 

Vinyasa - Fluid movement between poses, to flow


Pronounced Veer-ah-bah-drah-sah-nah.

Known as Warrior One Pose, this foundational pose brings strength. Begin with feet 4 feet apart and reach arms straight toward the ceiling. Turn your left foot in slightly and your right foot to a 90-degree angle, heels aligned. Exhale and bend your right knee over the right ankle until your shin is perpendicular to the floor, reaching up strong with your arms.

Virabhadrasana 1 - Warrior 1 - Vira 1


Pronounced Veer-ah-bah-drah-sah-nah.

Known as Warrior Two, move into this pose from Warrior One by exhaling your arms down to your sides parallel to the floor and turning your torso to the right. Turn your head and look out over your right arm.

Virabhadrasana 2 - Warrior 2 - Vira 2


Pronounced Veer-ah-bah-drah-sah-nah.

Known as Warrior Three, move into this pose from Warrior One by lifting the heel of your back foot and shifting your weight over your front leg. Then push off the back leg and lift it until it’s parallel with the floor, stretching your arms parallel to the floor, too, and keeping your core strong, reaching through your toes and fingers.

Virabhadrasana 3 - Warrior 3 - Vira 3 - Airplane


Pronounced Virk-shah-sah-nah.

Vrksa means tree in Sanskrit, so you’ll likely hear this pose referred to as Tree Pose. This popular pose begins in Mountain Pose, but you’ll lift your right foot and bring it to the inside of your left thigh, near the groin. Bring your hands to heart center and balance here.