PADMASANA - Lotus Pose

Pronounced pod-mah-sah-nah.

Padma means lotus, and Lotus Pose is one of the most iconic yoga poses there is. Sitting with legs crossed, you’ll lift each lower leg carefully until the tops of your feet rest on your opposing upper thighs, hands at heart center. This takes flexibility and open hips, so take it slowly. 

Padmasana - Lotus Pose

PARIVRTTA - Revolve, Twist

Pronounced Pah-ree-vrit-ah.

This word means “revolve” or “to turn around” and precedes the names of poses in which the torso is turned to the side for flexibility in the spine.

Parivrtta - To revolve or to turn around


Pronounced Par-ee-poor-nah / Nah-vah-sah-nah.

Also known as Boat Pose, Paripurna means complete or full, while nava means boat. In this pose, you balance on your tailbone and sitting bones with legs extended in the air and arms stretched out in front of you, parallel to your legs or the floor. Your torso and legs create a V-shape, building strength in the abdominal muscles and hip flexors.

Paripurna_Navasana - Boat Pose


Pronounced Prah-nah.

Your life force or vital energy. We access our own Prana through yoga and pranayama, and we can balance our life energy through the chakras.

Prana - Life force or vital energy


Pronounced Prah-nah-yah-mah.

Pranayama refers to awareness of breath and the ability to control one’s breath for a specific purpose. In yoga there are numerous breathing techniques, including ujjayi.