The Chandra Namaskar is a salutation to the moon.

Chandra = Moon or to Shine

Namaskar = Salute or Greeting

The moon represents emotions, feelings, moods and sensitivities, which translates into ‘intuition’. The Chandra Nadi or Moon Channel runs along the left side; therefore, you would begin the Chandra Namaskar with your left leg first.

The difference between Chandra Namaskar (Moon Salutations) and Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutations) is similar to the difference between yin and yang a.k.a feminine and masculine. The Moon Salutation is relaxing, whereas the Sun Salutation is energizing.

The Sun Salutation ushers in heat, Light, and activity, where the Moon Salutation is cooling, receptive, and meditative. Suryanamaskar is practiced in the morning when the Sun and heat rises and Chandra Namaskara is practiced in the evening when the Moon is visible and the energy cools.

During the Sun Salutation practice, the movement from one pose to another is quick, while the Moon Salutation, the poses are done slowly.

The amount of repetitions is up to you. Maybe 28, 30 or 31 rounds according to days of the month.

Below you will find one version of Chandra Namaskar with Leah Juenger - E-RYT200, RYT300, YACEP in a video under the gigantic moon below. More versions to come as there are many.

If you are a yoga teacher or yoga studio owner, note the dates below for the New Moon, which is a time of ‘fresh starts and new beginnings’, dates for the Full Moon, which is a time for completion, wrapping things up and putting a pretty bow on what was started under the New Moon.

**Note there is approximately two (2) weeks between the New Moon and the Full Moon, all the time, every month. And then you will see this years 2022 Lunar (Moon) Eclipses. Enjoy!~