
PRONOUNCED: Ah-juh-nah . . chak-ra. . . audible pronounciation below

COLOR: Indigo (Dark Blue)

LOCATED: Between the eyebrows

BIJA (SEED) MANTRA: Om . . . pronounced (Aum) . . audible chant below

SIGNIFIES: Light element or celestial layer

MUDRA (HAND GESTURE, SYMBOL, LOCK): Kalesvara Mudra, meaning one who has transcended time and space (Ajna)

MUDRA FORMATION: Bend all five (5) fingers and join them at the 2nd phalange (bone). This means the 1st and 2nd joints touch. Slide the middle fingers up and out joining the mounds of the middle fingers together and pointing them straight up. Point the thumbs down and join the mounds of the thumbs.

ASANA (YOGA POSE): Yogi Squat aka Garland Pose (Malasana), Bound Angle Pose (Baddha Konasana), Camel Pose (Ustrasana), Butterfly Pose aka Forgiveness Pose (Supta Baddha Konasana)

PURPOSE: Where we develop insight and ideas. This is our reality check point to keep our mind open and free. This is where we get clarity; a clear picture. This is our intellect. May be accompanied with clairvoyance, intuition, concentration and imagination.

ORGANS: Brain, neurological system, eyes, ears, nose, pituitary, pineal glands Relates to: fear of facing the truth, lack of self-discipline, self-judgement, over-evaluation of the self, emotional stability, the ability to delineate fact from fiction, confusion. Represents strokes, blindness, deafness, seizures, learning disabilities, spine problems, panic, headaches, lack of concentration and depression.

RELATES TO: This is often referred to as our "mind center" or "third eye." This is where we gain our wisdom from our experiences, then putting these insights into perspective. This is where we separate fantasy from reality. It is through an open brow chakra that our visual images are received.
