
PRONOUNCED: Vishud-ha . . chak-ra. . . audible pronounciation below

COLOR: Sky Blue

LOCATED: Throat and neck. The center of our will.

SIGNIFIES: Akashic or Etheric element

BIJA (SEED) MANTRA: Hum . . . pronounced (Ham) . . audible chant below

MUDRA (HAND GESTURE, SYMBOL, LOCK): Visuddhi Mudra, meaning absolute purity linked to our power of communication as conveyed through speech

MUDRA FORMATION: Vishuddha means ‘absolute purity’, which speaks directly to power of communication where our wisdom, knowledge, experience, honesty and kindness is transmitted and relayed through our speech. Interlace your fingers as if holding a bowl and allowing your thumb mounds to rest together. The right index finger is on the outside and the left little finger is on the outside touching the chest or the throat.

ASANA (YOGA POSE): Fish Pose (Matsyasana), Upward Facing Dog Pose (Urdhva Mukha Shvanasana), Cat - Cow Pose (Chakravakasana)

PURPOSE: Seek the truth! Independence and responsibility for self. This chakra empowers the individual to turn their personal strength and will over to Divine strength and will. The chakra represents the ability to speak up, be truthful. This is where we seek self-knowledge, truth, and our attitudes. Hearing, taste and smell are also represented in this chakra. This is where our personal expression and creativity are released. Our faith and decision making and sense of will and power is made aware in this chakra.

ORGANS: Throat, mouth, glands that swell, scoliosis, thyroid sore throat, mouth ulcers, scoliosis, vocal cords, esophagus, parathyroid glands, trachea. Relates to: mouth sores, cavities, hypo- or hyperthyroidism, laryngitis, gum disease, TMJ. Confessions, ability to tell the truth. Overcoming deceit. Addiction, lack of any authority and criticism.

RELATES TO: The 5th Chakra this tells how honestly we express ourselves. Lying violates the body and will manifest physically those conditions related to the throat and mouth. Not speaking our mind may cause laryngitis; lying may cause cavities; and emotional upset may cause a lump in the throat. This shows how we receive and digest information.
