
PRONOUNCED: moo-laud-ha-rah . . chak-ra. . . audible pronounciation below


LOCATED: Base of the spine

SIGNIFIES: Earth element, the physical layer

BIJA (SEED) MANTRA: Lum . . . pronounced (Lam) . . audible chant below

MUDRA (HAND GESTURE, SYMBOL, LOCK): Vairagya Mudra, meaning the 'detachment' and 'without the experience of the duality of emotions'

MUDRA FORMATION: The intention with this mudra is to rise above the physical plane and materialism that keeps us bound physically and yet grounds us at the same time. Using both hands (samyukta) touch the tips of the index finger to the pad of the thumb. Rest the back of the left hand on the left knee and the back of the right hand on the right knee with the other three fingers on each hand extended and together (not splayed apart). Palms are facing up.

ASANA (YOGA POSE): Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II), Forward Fold (Uttanasana), Yogi Squat (Malasana aka Garland Pose), Easy Pose - Sukhasana

PURPOSE: The sensation of movement, tension and position (kinesthetic feelings). This gives animation to the physical body. Perception through muscles, tendons, and joints. The root chakra serves the body's survival instincts and self-esteem and self-preservation. The first chakra represents social order, security and family ties.

ORGANS: Adrenal glands, kidneys, spinal column, colon, rectum, legs, feet, bones and immune system

RELATES TO: How we identify with the material world and our success. It also represents our groundedness, stability and security. This is our identity and individuality. Our ability to master our physical surroundings and physical body. It shows our courage and how we handle family beliefs, physical pleasure, pain or touch. It also shows our level of loyalty and superstition.
