ABHASA - Constant exercise

Pronounced Ab-hah-sah

This is mindful term, not a physical term. The practice of yoga is performed through the continual and regular practice of yoga. This is what brings the yogi to stillness of the mind. Yoga is a practice of action and non-action, on and off the mat, that has long-term cumulative effects. Abhasa requires through continual practice to be present and mindful at all times.

ANANDA - Bliss

Pronounced An-ahn-dah

Bliss, happiness, joy, pleasure.

ASANA - Pose

Pronounced Ah-sah-nah

An asana is a yoga pose or posture. The original Sanskrit names for yoga poses have ‘asana’ as a suffix.

Asana - Pose or Posture

ADHO MUKHA SVANASANA - Downward Facing Dog

Pronounced Ah-doh / Moo-kah / Schwan-ah-sah-nah.

More commonly known as Downward-Facing Dog, Adho means ‘downward,’ mukha means ‘face’ and svana means ‘dog.’ Begin on all fours, then tuck your toes and lift your knees off the floor so your body creates a V-shape. Stretch up through your sitting bones and press your arms and feet into the ground, while drawing your shoulder blades down your back. This is one of the most common poses in yoga and, while it eventually becomes a resting pose, it can be quite challenging when you’re first learning it.

AHIMSA - Non-harming

Pronounced Ah-him-sah.

Non-harming and respect for all living things and avoidance of violence toward others. Ahimsa is one of the restraints of the ‘Yamas’. According to the book ‘The Yamas and Niyamas’ it is right relationship with others and with self that is neither self-sacrifice nor self-aggrandizement. This ‘Yama’ guides us to live together without causing harm to ourselves or others.


Pronounced An-ahn-dah / Bah-lah-sah-nah.

Meant to loosen your hips and calm the mind, this pose is known as Happy Baby Pose. You’ll often practice this pose at the end of an intense session. Lie on your back and bend your knees toward your belly, gripping the outsides of your feet with your hands. Open your knees to the sides of your torso and bring your knees up to your armpits. Ankles should be over your knees, with shins perpendicular to the floor. Gently push your feet toward your hands while you pull them down for resistance.

ANJANEYASANA - Crescent Low Lunge Pose

Pronounced Ahn-jah-nay-ah-sah-nah.

Known as Crescent Low Lunge Pose, this pose helps stretch the thighs and groin while opening the chest. From Downward-Facing Dog, exhale, stepping your right foot between your hands, aligning your knee over your heel. Lower your left knee to your mat and slide it back with the top of your foot down until you feel the stretch in your left thigh and groin.

ARDHA - Half

Pronounced Are-dah.

Ardha means ‘half’ and is used in the names of certain yoga postures to indicate the intermediate, or less challenging, version of a pose. 


Pronounced Are-dah / chan-drah-sah-nah.

This pose, known as Half Moon Pose, helps build ankle and leg strength while improving balance. Beginning in Extended Triangle Pose, you would then bend your right knee, sliding it forward about a foot. Reach your right hand forward beyond your right foot’s baby toe. Exhale, then press your right hand and heel firmly to the floor, straightening your right leg and lifting your left leg parallel to the floor. Keep your left hand on your left hip or extend it skyward. 

ARDHA UTTANASANA - Half Standing Forward Fold

Pronounced Are-dah / oot-tahn-ah-sah-nah.

Also known as ‘halfway lift’, begin in Standing Forward Bend, then press your palms into the floor beside your feet. Inhale and straighten your arms, straightening your spine away from your thighs. Then, lift your heart center forward, placing your hands on your shins.